In a recent interview with Chris Quandt on KAHI Radio’s morning show, Wayne Nader, candidate for Placer County District 5 Supervisor, shared his deep-rooted connection to the community and his vision for the future of Placer County. This engaging 20-minute discussion offers a rare glimpse into Wayne’s personal history, his motivations for running, and his approach to the pressing issues facing District 5.
Wayne delves into his background, highlighting his third-generation ties to the area, growing up on a cattle ranch in Lincoln, and his extensive career in finance. He shares how his early retirement allowed him to dedicate himself to public service, serving on various local boards and committees, including the Placer County Planning Commission and the North Auburn Fire District Board.
Throughout the interview, Wayne emphasizes his commitment to maintaining the character and integrity of Placer County’s communities, from Auburn to Tahoe. He addresses critical topics such as managing development to prevent overexpansion, enhancing fire protection, and finding practical solutions to traffic congestion.
For those invested in the future of Placer County, this interview is a must-listen. Wayne Nader’s thoughtful and informed perspectives, coupled with his dedication to community service, make him a candidate worth considering in the upcoming election.
Tune in to the full interview on Wayne’s campaign website or your favorite podcast platform to hear more about his plans to bring effective leadership to District 5.